Economic Update: A weekly responsive automatic email providing a synopsis of economic news in a concise and to-the-point style
Mind Your Money: A monthly responsive automatic email featuring personal financial management advice for home owners
Personal Marketer: A monthly responsive automatic email providing value-added marketing information
On The Rise: A monthly responsive automatic email for recruitment purposes highlighting best practices for sales professionals
Big Idea: A monthly responsive automatic email presenting compelling marketing and powerful sales ideas for real estate professionals
Knowledge Builder: A monthly responsive automatic email providing detailed academic information about the real estate industry
HomeLine: A monthly responsive automatic email highlighting homeownership tips and best home improvements
Industry Insider: A monthly responsive automatic email featuring real estate industry trends
Holiday Cards: A series of responsive automatic emails celebrating seasonal changes and our national holidays
Top Producer’s Sales Testimonials
HomeBeat: A newsletter about your home
RealEstatePro: A newsletter about best real estate practices